Vendor Information

Vendor applications for the 2025 pow wow are now closed. We are maintaining a waitlist. If you have applied but have not been allocated a table, we will contact you if space becomes available.

Earl Marriott Secondary is excited to host our annual Community Pow Wow. This message contains guidelines and information for interested vendors. These guidelines are in place to make the Pow Wow run smoothly and for the enjoyment of visitors, customers and guests as well as the vendors themselves. Please bear in mind that the EMS Community Pow Wow is a school event, run by teachers, students and volunteers. It is not a professional Pow Wow. 


The EMS Community Pow Wow will be held March 7, 8, and 9 at Earl Marriott Secondary in South Surrey. Vendors will be allowed into the school at 3:30 pm Friday March 7th and not sooner. 

The school will be accessible to vendors during the following times only: 

  • Friday March 8th at 3:30 pm - 9:30pm

  • Saturday March 9th at 11: 00 am - 9:30pm

  • Sunday March 10th at 11:00 am  - 6:00pm

Vendors are required to clean up promptly once the Pow Wow has ended. 


The EMS Pow Wow Committee is seeking vendors that are selling authentic Indigenous products, items and goods. The EMS Pow Wow Committee is not accepting vendor applications for non-Indigenous related products or any type of food. 


Vendor tables will be $150.00 (total) for the three days. To apply to be a vendor at the 2025 Pow Wow, please see the section below outlining the application process.

*Please DO NOT call the school about the vendor tables*

As part of the $150.00 fee vendors will be provided an 8ft folding table and a reasonable space to operate their table. If a Pow Wow vendor purposely takes up or over space that infringes upon another vendor’s space, the Pow Wow Committee will ask the vendor to leave the Pow Wow and the vendor will not be offered a refund. Should you require more space, please register in advance for two tables. Ultimately, the Pow Wow committee wants all vendors to be successful, profitable, professional and collegial. Vendors are required to use the tables we provide (for space reasons / purposes). 


To apply to be a vendor at the 2025 Pow Wow, please fill out the MS Form.

***Vendor Form is not available at this time. The form will be released around mid-December, with follow-up happening in early January

You may request a specific location on the form. Please see the “rough map and legend” image below to guide you in this process. This map is meant to give an overview of the space and is not intended to represent a scale diagram of the facility. The EMS Pow Wow Committee will do its best to accommodate these requests, but no guarantees can be made.

If you have a specific requirement, such as a location near a power outlet, please be sure to note this on the Microsoft form. We will be allocating tables based on information provided this year not any agreement or understanding from previous years. We will do our best to accommodate special requests and will let you know in advance if we are unable to do so. 

Once all vendor submissions are reviewed, the Pow Wow Committee will email vendors a confirmation of acceptance along with a secure link for on-line payment that must be paid by March 1, 2024. We will not be accepting cash payments on March 7th except in exceptional circumstances. Please complete payment via the secure link. 

The EMS Pow Wow Committee has approx. 39 – 40 vendor table spaces available. This is fewer than in pre-COVID years. As in 2024, there will be no vendor tables in the main gym. The gym space is reserved for Pow Wow dancers, drummers and spectators only.  The EMS Pow Wow committee will keep a backup list of interested vendors should a vendor be unavailable to attend.


The EMS Pow Wow Committee will do all that it can to provide reliable internet service for point-of-sale devices. Internet connect has been spotty in recent years and we are working with District staff to improve this service but we cannot guarantee that we will be able to provide the bandwidth necessary to run point-of-sale devices

Vendors should not leave their tables unattended. The EMS Pow Wow Committee cannot be responsible for lost or stolen products. 


Please note that as this is a popular pow wow with vendors and space is tight at the school, we are only able to accept a limited number of applications. We will contact you via email by January 20, 2025 if we are able to accommodate you for the 2025 pow wow. If we do not have a space to offer at that time, we will add your name to our waitlist and will notify you if a space becomes available prior to this year’s pow wow.

To apply for a vendor table at the pow wow, please click on the following link or use the QR code to fill out the application form.